
pediculosis /pədik′yo͝olō″sis/ [L, pediculus + osis, condition] , an infestation with blood-sucking lice. Pediculosis capitis is infestation of the scalp with lice. Pediculosis corporis is infestation of the skin of the body with lice. Pediculosis palpebrarum is infestation of the eyelids and eyelashes with lice. Pthirus pubis (formerly called pediculosis pubis) is infestation of the pubic hair region with lice. An over-the-counter treatment is pyrethrin or permethrin containing topical agents. Malathion and lindane are other treatments, although misuse can result in neurotoxicity. See also crab louse, lice.

Blood sucking louse in pediculosis (CDC/ Frank Collins, Ph.D.)
Pediculosis capitis (Courtesy Dr. Robert Zax)
Pediculosis corporis (Lemmi and Lemmi, 2000)