nephrotic syndrome /nəfrot″ik/ [Gk, nephros + L, icus, like] , an abnormal condition of the kidney characterized by marked proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and edema. It occurs in glomerular disease and thrombosis of a renal vein and as a complication of many systemic diseases, diabetes mellitus, amyloidosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and multiple myeloma. The nephrotic syndrome occurs in a severe primary form. Also called nephrosis. −nephrotic, adj. ▪ OBSERVATIONS: Presenting symptoms include anorexia, weakness, proteinuria, hypoalbuminuria, and edema. ▪ INTERVENTIONS: Treatment and prognosis depend on the underlying cause of disease. Patients with primary nephrotic syndrome usually respond favorably to corticosteroids. Loop diuretics are used to control symptomatic edema, and dialysis may be necessary. ▪ PATIENT CARE CONSIDERATIONS: Patients benefit from a comprehensive approach to care that includes diet counseling and exercise.