
impetigo /im′pətī″gō/ [L, impetus, attack] , a streptococcal, staphylococcal, or combined infection of the skin beginning as focal erythema and progressing to pruritic vesicles, erosions, and honey-colored crusts. Lesions usually form on the face and spread locally. The disorder is highly contagious through contact with the discharge from the lesions. Acute glomerulonephritis is an occasional complication. Treatment includes thorough cleansing with antibacterial soap and water, compresses of Burow’s solution, and topical or oral antibiotics. Treatment of the sores, use of individual washcloths and linens, and scrupulous handwashing help prevent spread of the infection. −impetiginous, adj.

Child with perioral impetigo (Dias et al, 2015)