
hydrocele /hī″drōsēl′/ [Gk, hydor + kele, hernia] , an accumulation of fluid in any saclike cavity or duct, specifically in the tunica vaginalis testis or along the spermatic cord. The condition is caused by inflammation of the epididymis or testis or by lymphatic or venous obstruction in the cord. Congenital hydrocele is caused by failure of the canal between the peritoneal cavity and the scrotum to close completely during prenatal development. In some newborns the defect may resolve spontaneously after neonatal obliteration of the communication. Treatment for persistent hydrocele is surgery. Aspiration is only a temporary measure and may induce secondary infection. See also hydrocephalus, inguinal hernia.

Hydrocele. The tunica vaginalis is dilated (arrow). (Cross, 2013)