
colchicine /kol″chəsēn/ [Gk, kolchikon] , a gout suppressant that suppresses leukocyte mobility and phagocytosis in joints. ▪ INDICATIONS: It may be prescribed in the treatment of acute gout and prophylaxis of recurrent gouty arthritis. ▪ CONTRAINDICATIONS: Ulcer, ulcerative colitis, or known hypersensitivity to this drug prohibits its use. The drug is highly toxic and is not given to elderly, debilitated patients or to those who have chronic renal, hepatic, cardiovascular, or GI disease. ▪ ADVERSE EFFECTS: Among the most serious adverse reactions are severe GI distress including diarrhea with blood, bone marrow depression, peripheral neuritis, liver dysfunction, and alopecia. It is in pregnancy category D.