bee sting

bee sting [AS, beo + stingan] , an injury caused by the venom of bees or wasps (vespids), usually accompanied by pain and swelling. The stinger of the honeybee usually remains implanted and should be removed. Pain may be alleviated by application of an ice pack or a paste of sodium bicarbonate and water. Serious reactions may result from multiple stings, stings on some areas of the head, or the injection of venom directly into the circulatory system. In a hypersensitive person, a single bee sting may result in death through anaphylactic shock and airway obstruction. Hypersensitive individuals are encouraged to carry emergency treatment supplies, including epinephrine, with them when the possibility of bee sting exists. Compare wasp, yellow jacket venom.

Bee sting (Zitelli and Davis, 2007)