sulfasalazine /sul′fəsəlaz″ēn/ , a sulfonamide, and aminosalicylic acid derivative. Also called salicylazosulfapyridine. ▪ INDICATIONS: It is prescribed in the treatment of mild to moderate ulcerative colitis and as adjunctive therapy in severe cases. It is also used to treat juvenile- and adult-onset forms of rheumatoid arthritis and in the treatment of other autoimmune disease, such as ankylosing spondylitis and Crohn’s disease. ▪ CONTRAINDICATIONS: Urinary obstruction, porphyria, or known hypersensitivity to this drug, to other sulfonamide medications, or to salicylates prohibits its use. It is not given during the last trimester of pregnancy. ▪ ADVERSE EFFECTS: Among the more serious adverse effects are crystalluria, blood dyscrasias, and severe hypersensitivity reactions. GI symptoms and anorexia commonly occur.