newborn intrapartal care, care of the newborn in the delivery area during the time after birth before the mother and infant are transferred to the postpartum unit. See also intrapartal care, postpartal care. ▪ METHOD: The nasopharynx and mouth may be suctioned to remove excess mucus as the head is born. Depending on the preference and condition of the mother and the policies of the maternity service, the baby may then be placed on the mother’s abdomen and covered with a warm, dry blanket or taken by the nurse to an infant warmer. Apgar scores are assigned at 1 minute and 5 minutes of age. Less commonly, another Apgar score is assigned at 10 minutes of age. The baby is handled gently and quietly and may be put to breast if the mother wishes; bright lights are often avoided, and maternal contact is encouraged. ▪ INTERVENTIONS: Most newborns are healthy and normal. If abnormal function is observed, expert assistance may be summoned and emergency measures, including tracheal suction with suction equipment and administration of oxygen by ventilator or mask, are initiated. If there are no problems, the nurse may instill erythromycin drops in the conjunctival sacs of the eyes, trim and clamp the umbilical cord, administer an injection of vitamin K, obtain footprints for identification, and diaper and wrap the baby. If the baby needs to be transferred to a nursery or special care facility, the nurse accompanies the infant and acts as the initial liaison for the mother with the nursery. ▪ OUTCOME CRITERIA: Most infants born at term are healthy and do not need any medical intervention. Hemorrhage from the umbilical cord, difficult respiration, imperforate anus, endocrine dysfunction, and various other abnormal conditions may occur, but, if a baby has good color; is alert; and can cry, suck, urinate, defecate, and respond to sound and light, the nurse and physician may reassure the mother that the baby is almost invariably healthy and normal. The individuality of each infant is remarkable and may be pointed out to the mother.