leuprolide acetate /lo̅o̅″prōlīd/ , an analog of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. It is an agonist administered at levels that desensitize the pituitary gland from responding to it or to endogenous gonadotropin-releasing hormone, thereby preventing pituitary stimulation of sex hormone production by the ovaries or testes. ▪ INDICATIONS: It is used for the palliative treatment of advanced prostatic cancer, in the management of endometriosis, and for the treatment of children with central precocious puberty. ▪ CONTRAINDICATIONS: Caution should be exercised during the beginning of leuprolide acetate therapy, when symptoms of bone pain, urinary obstruction, and neurological problems may increase. Pregnancy or known hypersensitivity to the drug prohibits its use. ▪ ADVERSE EFFECTS: Among adverse effects reported are hot flashes, transient increases in testosterone levels, dizziness, pain, headache, decreased libido, impotence, and injection site irritation.