dermatomyositis /dur′mətōmī′ōsī″tis/ [Gk, derma + mys, muscle, itis, inflammation] , a disease of the connective tissues, characterized by pruritic or eczematous inflammation of the skin and tenderness and weakness of the muscles. ▪ OBSERVATIONS: Muscle tissue is destroyed, and loss is often so severe that the person may become unable to walk or to perform simple tasks. Swelling of the eyelids and face and loss of weight are common manifestations. ▪ INTERVENTIONS: Treatment of this disease may include prescription of prednisone; immunosuppressants may be used in cases that are unresponsive. To prevent muscle wasting and preserve muscle function, physical therapy is required. Most cases respond to therapy, although the disease is usually more severe and treatment resistant in patients with pulmonary or cardiac issues. ▪ PATIENT CARE CONSIDERATIONS: The cause is unknown, but in 15% of cases the condition develops with an internal malignancy. Viral infection and antibacterial medication are also associated with an increased incidence of dermatomyositis.